Thursday, April 25, 2013

An Ego flying lesson

The handsome,flamboyant, arrogant pilot  was an expert while in command.Passengers felt safe and reassured after hearing him  and settled comfortably.The destination was many hours away.Unmindful of the  warm flush on a few faces,the air hostess beamed radiant smiles.The flight was smooth with people taking a quick snooze before lunch.

There was this fat man may be  on a business trip having a light pleasant smile across  his face. He may be  dreaming of his wife and kids or  even better the  tension-less few days  away from a nagging wife; the newly married couple to the right the wife was clinging on to her husband as if the plane would rip apart or maybe it was her maiden flight;the little boy sucked his lollipop and  twirled his hair and stared at all the switches  overhead; the PYT at the window seat maybe was remembering her first kiss on the lips full on taken by  surprise and savoring the moment as a sweet smile gently flitted across her face; the handsome curly mop head with plugged earphones was enjoying some good music as his hands and head were in a steady rhythm;the fat lady adjusted her suit and settled for reading the romantic book taking her down memory lane.

The lunch  served and cleared.The flight was smooth.Almost eight hours covered. Those with new dreams unfolding were jolted from their snooze and slumber. The announcement of getting ready for  the touchdown. People were fumbling for seat belts.

The expert pilot was at his best with the control tower in not only giving positions but also taking instructions.He never for a moment argued or voiced his opinion.Quite strange for an experienced pilot .He quietly followed  instructions and  landed on the tarmac smoothly without causing anyone discomfort. He taxied his way and brought the plane ready to disembark.There was jostling to go out.With man, bag and baggage unloaded the pilot and his crew walked out majestically. Kudos to the captain for a safe landing.

It then dawned, the dashing looks,the behavior,the arrogance of the pilot was all kept aside.The control panel could give his position clearly to land.Yet, he did not flout protocols but listened carefully and clearly  for the instructions from the control tower following everything to a T.

The instructions perhaps would have been relayed  by someone who may not have flown an aircraft nor had the  prescribed hours of flying, or from someone who was less educated ,or from a person with  a lower financial status than the pilot. Nothing mattered.

Ego had no place at all. It was just compliance and obedience to  the voice.Lives of 250 people was at stake.One wrong move would make a different story.

The pilot was clear of his role and responsibilities and communicated well by taking good decisions for the welfare and safety of all on board.   

Not about you and me

It's not about you,it's about me.
It's not about you,it's about them,
Whenever did I say it was about me?

It does not matter,
Whether it's about me or us or you or them,
It's not about taking cudgels,
It's about setting things right.

It's  when two can't see, a third steps in.

Pins,paste, plaster can be a measure,
Asking  help will also be a pleasure.

Seek to find, ask to be given,
Nothing comes free.
When  measure goes down
Exercise the choice to let it be.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Devastation struck,
A perfect storm for an attendant,
All rolled into one,
Shocked and numbed to the core,
Sense and sensibilities flying around,
Tears streaming down untold,
Seemed like the end of the world,
Embarrassing the ward straight to the heart.

It was then that  few women came forward,
With gentle ease calmed the tears,
Gave courage to a fellow woman in distress,
Rallied around and did their best.

Words fail to thank  enough,
Remembering always with  deep gratitude,
O Madams Zakia,Shefalika,Laila,Mary,Lizzie,Two Sisters and more,
Surely representatives of the faith in the Lord,
Touched  a soul and gave a new lease to life.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Woman thy name is change

Changing face of woman adapts to changing domains,
Changing domains pose serious challenges,
Changing roles bring conflicts in identity.
 As a woman changes others do not change with her,
Every other woman wants change in other women,
Reluctant to change themselves.
Change is taxing for  the different roles,

Changing the face in the mirror brings peace around,
Same woman subjected to different changes lacks identity.
Change yourself if you want to be called a mother,

Change again if you want to be called a wife,
Change once again if you want to remain a sister.
Change once more if you want to be called a daughter,
Change to decide if you want to be retained a friend,
Change the face in the mirror for whatever the role is destined to be.