Sunday, November 21, 2010

Culture & Traditions

Culture and traditions have a lot to offer each one of us. It brings out the humanness. It is a reminder time and again that good prevails over evils.

Emancipation from culture and traditions does not mean forgetting them just remembering to abide them  at all times to keep self at peace.

Culture and traditions is not exhibiting it in the presence of select few to show  one is traditional. It is all about practicing it as values to be cherished  for life.It is about loving self  and creating a ripple effect.

None is responsible for it other than self .
Valuing culture and tradition is knowing who you are and your response to it. It is not about going the off beaten track to show emancipation. It is about being within knowing the good and being emancipated.

Women Empowerment vs Empowered women

Woman is the common factor .
But  divergent views when empowerment sinks in.
Is this the empowerment we talk about?
From a hapless, shy,  carbon lying somewhere, polished to adorn the  mantelpiece to take leaping strides to be a business tycoon.
From the woman with folded hands in prayer to take care of her family  to forgetting to clasp hands in prayer.
More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams off.
Better to cut off the empowerment and empowered and leave the woman as is condition for better sanctity.

That moment

When we hear that a friend is no more, it brings in a lot of good memories and  thoughts sowed in us.
I was shattered when I heard my friend Rachel is no more. 
There was a not a single day when I didn't think of her. It was her simplicity and niceness. She was a very ordinary person who touched others extraordinarily.Full of love in abundance and forgiveness and patience galore.
 The notes she pushed into my hand without asking as  an angel in disguise, the golden bangles pushed into my hands to adorn my wrist telling me they look good there than in the dinghy locker.
Tears streamed down my face in love and gratitude.
 If only  I could have told thank you  just once  face to face for being a nice person to me. 
Alas, I have missed a chance.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Test of Experience

The last decision which was crucial did not depend on the grades you scored or the rank you obtained which flashed beaming faces from parents coupled with chest heaving in pride.

It is the test of experience and understanding the path you trod, the trying times, testing times, the less privileged times which made you cringe in shame amongst friends and foes and the many times you let it go by.

The test of experience . Those hands which cradled were taken by surprise at the turn of events. A fleeting thought that if I had received this sometime earlier perhaps I could have had some happy moments lost on account of economic setback, tiredness and lack of time. Alas, who can put the clock back?

It is so strange that  when one wants some thing one will go any length to get  it, even doing the mundane chores which one detested  will be done as it is a part of one’s goal setting. Rules change overnight because now ownership and accountability is there.

Whosoever is ignorant of parental effort will not be able to shoulder responsibilities as they cannot appreciate the time and effort put in to erect you.

But the bruises and pains cannot be restored when experience sets. It will be nothing but a bundle of guilt day in day out purchased out of laxity and irresponsibility to be carried for the rest of your life. As someone said that  there is no tomorrow but only now.

Children should grow into a person who could appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others, to get things done, and a person who would give due importance to love, family and money and not be  the slave of entitlement  mentality.