Thursday, May 12, 2011


PUC results out .

O My God!  OMG! what happened to the pretty young things and  cool dudes whizzing past on bikes or  spending time  digging into burgers at KFC or slowly sipping the Barista coffee  or frequenting the Coffee Day with sling bags thrown across shoulders  sporting  trendy dresses or sitting at malls  enjoying themselves or  seeing movies when ideally they should be in class rooms for getting some stuff into their heads.The latest cellphone  with hands free plugs  as if on 24 hour combat will put  any one to shame for not owning one.The coochicoo and noyaas and constant jabbering mundane somethings in hushed whispers all seemed comic.

The bhenjis and the lehenga wallis   took the limelight while the urban  somethings chilled and relaxed splurging  the not earned money to remain cool.There are exceptions to the urban  crowd whereas the majority   foolishly thought to be in  teens and adolescence meant  anything and everything is acceptable from shirking responsibilities and duties to whipping out knives.

The colleges  made rules but the Dudes and PYTs craftily maneuvered to remain within the frame for  cutoff rules. Mind you all within the college time framework . Whichever parent thought what went behind the excellent time framework. The truth comes out when the results are out.

 O My GOD! what happened I studied so well since the previous night whatever could have happened. The parents and the kids wring their their hands O My GOD!

 I for one am very proud that  kids  are working hard to change  life and that of their families who are not from  privileged background .They enjoy life in their struggle while those haves are struggling to keep themselves afloat.


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