Friday, January 31, 2014


It was for breakfast one day, tunnel cake was made. A savoury made with rice powder and coconut and steamed. It can be had with a variety of side dishes sweet or otherwise. Bananas also complement it.

So one such day , a little girl was sent to buy bananas. While giving money very clear instructions were given. If it is not ripe do not buy as we can’t eat it raw. If it is very ripe just buy a little as it would become bad later. If it is okay buy . Money was given. She happily trotted out heard or not heard till she came back home with overripe bananas for a full twenty five rupees.

The mother went bananas for being duped as a child and made her eat them all  to remember for life that ,“No one should dupe you and whatever you buy it should be value for money”

But years later when she recounted it very vividly, it appeared that the moral was lost, only the punishment remembered.

It was then the mother remembered there could have been another way of instilling a value. It is alright this time but next time think properly before doing anything and be aware of people who will cheat you. Perhaps this would have been a better alternative.

Time lost can’t be reset nor memories erased. Though time is a great healer, mothers are meant to be perfect people in little minds, till girls grow up.

Today the mother is going bananas with laughter over the bananas episode.

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