Saturday, June 27, 2020

Expresso Gratitude

Gratitude is not only acknowledging but also touching and saying thankyou. I never knew till I tried it.

Now don't be confused .I am talking of trees and plants.
I have three mango trees,two guava trees and a jackfruit treein my backyard. Some grew on their own like the long ones ,others were planted by my well wishers,one by an auto mans wife,another by a security guard,one in a gifted pot.

A few years ago the mango and guava trees had  blossomed to the full.My roving eyes  took a quick scan of the going to be good harvest of fruits . I had little to do with watering and manuring them which was left to the whims of nature.

My job was  to distribute after they were plucked and given to me by the Nepali nurturer.
Occasionally if I went to the terrace maybe a guava or two fresh from the tree after whispering a quick thankyou sheepishly.

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