Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh! to be mom

All emotions rolled into one individual.
No time to think right or wrong.Angry this sec, laughing the next leaving people confused around.
Teaching to hold tiny  feet to walk and  wrinkled hands to hold and clasp for comfort and security .
The joys are galore, no poet can capture it , as it is a feeling  that cannot be described appropriately , as thousands of feelings rolled into one.
The teething troubles , the growing years when they blossom onto handsome young men and women, your work does not end there. you are still wanted. Only that  words are not there as priorites change . empty nest syndrome sinks in.
 However waiting anxiously for a call or a visit, and in the process creating discrimination amongst the remaining siblings.
O what a fine baalncing act for a mom between kids and hubby and friends

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