Monday, May 9, 2011

Creation of Happiness

For quite sometime I have been wanting  to say this.I have come across  many people doing wonderfully well in life because of their singular devotion in doing it. This singular devotion comes from understanding self and the surroundings in its total reality.

Take for example Rani who comes from not a very well to do family. She appreciated her home  and people for supporting her and as soon as she could lay her hands on a job she settled for one. She took over the reins from then on. She saved  a little as it was her right, she looked after her family as it was her duty she  tutored her siblings with hope of creating a face lift to her home. She was positive  in her outlook and she  attracted all the good  surrounding her to  encourage in her upward growth. Her world changed and so also the home. There was happiness and cheer all around.The home knew  the dependence was short lived  as soon a nest would be made elsewhere. That  was not a problem at all. There was happiness all around .The motion of happiness was triggered. This motion became  infectious and it continues.It follows a simple truth of life that happiness has to be created.

In doubt? Take a look at Bindu who also comes from a similar family. She took up a job. She was never satisfied always on a roll of changing jobs..She understood very little of herself and her surroundings.She had no idea about the art of appreciation or respect for the people around her.In pursuit of her  wants she  forgot her roots ,what is happiness and the meaning of happiness to people around.Always in a constant state of unrest and anger. She attracted  a lot of negative forces around her because no one thought good about her.This negativity outweighed the good thoughts  and became a cause for not growing and towards dooms day. The  days turned into months and months to years and the family also deteriorated with only unhappiness and debts  around. The simple truth of life did not work here as selfishness prevailed.

In doubt?? let us once again take a look at Seema  who also hailed from a similar background. As usual after degree took up a job. The moment  chikkadis  touched  she  became a totally transformed person.She thought the world about her. She did not want any one any more.She thought she was cool in her attitude and outlook, spent lavishly and partied hard and the home remained a house without growth. The siblings found it hard to digest of the change in her.There was general unpleasantness around which increased by the day.Her income outmatched her lifestyle and was soon in debts.She felt herself alone and miserable. She attracted a lot of negativity and started realizing. She quickly mended her ways. She arrested her debts and from then on  curtailed her lavishness, looked after her family and siblings . There was an improvement in situation, happiness started trickling in  slowly at first then it became a routine. Her debts were cleared by her as she felt genuinely sorry for being a cad.There was happiness all around .The motion of happiness was triggered. This motion became  infectious and it continues.It follows a simple truth of life that happiness has to be created. The family started growing and  Seema and her siblings changed the outlook of their home.Hard to believe?? Yet it remains the truth.

Be it Rani, Seema or Bindu ,Rahul or Joe . Each one is entitled to have a  different outlook about life . However ,each  is responsible for changing situations and spreading sunshine around.

Similarly it is in our hands to attract  positivity and negativity.Selfishness,deceit have no place at all. With love, understanding, spreading sunshine we have the greater power of attracting the good things of life.

To get happiness we have to be in tune with self, family and surroundings.Being at peace involves being at peace with self and family first and then others.

Remember to climb a ladder you have to first step on the first rung. The first rung invariably is self and family.This creates the ripple effect of happiness.

Now do you agree happiness is creation.

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