Monday, May 9, 2011

A surprise on turning 56

It was past midnight  when  the little one comes and whispers a Happy birthday and the phone rings and a birthday wish from overseas. indeed a nice way to start a day.

 A friend sends a message  and many new new friends  follow suit.

A day not different for me from my regular one. I  happen to go to my brothers place as his vehicle was with me as mine went for servicing .In the stop gap arrangement i wait till he finishes his chores and take a trip to my mom;s place. Yo! la she is making  payasam for me. Something out of the blue. I savoured every moment and evening kids arranged for a cake cutting and  dinner  with the family at Tamarind.

Now this is what is called Birthday bash of binding ties and relationshisp.
This is about being grateful  for all the things in life.

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