It was a landlocked place with few inhabitants and a few work in progress construction going on.The silence was very comforting except for the occasional express trains speeding by.Standing at the doorway I could see the husband and wife duo taking sand bags on their heads to the second floor of of the building in progress. Their only child aged two was happily playing in the nearby sand heap and also assisting by shoveling some sand into a sack and lugging how much ever he could lending support to his parents.
The child hummed along .I heard no complaints of not having good toys or biscuits or Kentucky Fried Chicken or the Cornerhouse Ice Cream.It sounded rather strange.Perhaps not subjected to enough exposure. As soon as the time neared for end of a day's work they quickly freshened to better presentable and left for the day. I felt strangely happy at how the three of them supplemented each other.
Through the windowsill I became a daily witness to the caretaker and an young inmate of the nearby bungalow.Perhaps for paucity of funds or perhaps the exorbitant fees for a maid, the caretaker doubled as a domestic help. These services went unpaid and ignored and not accounted in GDP.
It was a routine, by 10 or 11 each day the young inmate woke up,quickly freshened as if to catch the express train and quickly slung a bag as if leaving for making better prospects in great haste and returned each evening in a great rush as if something was misplaced.
It amused the onlooker because no value was added anywhere except in fantasy.This was a daily affair. Conversations were few and far between. Sometimes just to ask for the insipid menu to decide whether it is worthwhile eating. This has been a routine for quite sometime.
The onlooker wondered at what was their role in life .It was just pushing each day to the next, no aim at all in life.
One day a bard came to this landlocked place. All the inhabitants came out to listen.Few did not understand and were amused as he sang. Through his song he narrated the story of his family