Friday, January 31, 2014

A Big Fat Dad

Once upon a time there was a big fat dad,
 Full of love , immensely loved by you.
 Addressing  him “edda acha “without any shame,
His world changed when you were born.

With no clue  to function as a dad.
 Sure MCP to the core, yet full of love for you
 With countless friends and eventful life,
Eager to chaperone you around.

All of a sudden, failed business, no job,
Only debts for company, and nothing to do.
Nothing was deliberate , when fate changed overnight,
Quite young at that point in time,
All doors closed not knowing what to do
God opened a door and we latched on,
Ready to travel the seas, to be away from family,
As an opportunity, to set right all that went wrong.

Meanwhile seething anger, frustrations,
Accusations , counter accusations
Never imagining that it would
Take it’ toll on the growing, innocent you.
We thought it was the only chance,
To set everything right, with earnest hope,
That you may grow, bloom and soar.

 Looking back at ma and dad,
Through all the differences,
There has always been,
An underlying unity in diversity.
As today what we are, what we have,
Would never have happened, had we broken apart.

 We were, and are, and will always be,
Thankful to God ,everyday of our lives
For all the miracles, that happened in our lives.

It makes it even better, when you choose to remember,
Tit bits of your long gone days,
To make us take a trip along memory lane,

To make our days fun and happiness filled.

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