Friday, January 31, 2014

The Small Bogie

Once upon a time, in a small bogie , which gets detached at a station near Nila ,entered an unaccompanied woman with less than a three-month-old child. Perhaps her brother, a young lad kept the bag and baggage near her seat. The woman held the baby close to her bosom. The sound of a whistle and the train slowly moved. She waved out of the window at the diminishing figure. The train picked speed into the night.

The journey by train was not new to her, but what was new was the baby with her. The night was dark outside except for the occasional fleeting glow somewhere far away as the train rushed ahead. The light was dim in side. The bogie had two doors one right and one left near the toilet at the farther end from her seat.

It appeared quite odd that she was travelling alone. She was well dressed and appeared to come from a middle class family and all were travelling second class. She requested the family nearby to hold her child that she may go to the toilet to relieve herself, as everyone was getting ready to sleep. The family refused.

It was a sudden jolt not at all anticipated. She did not know what to do. It looked as if the woman had contemplated abandoning her child and jumping out. The family looked away. The woman quickly regained her composure. She just smiled and sat down rocking her child. There was no trace of emotion .Soon everyone was asleep.

She tossed and turned on her lower berth with the child. It was long past midnight when she could control no more, she laid the baby on the floor because the train was hurtling at high speed . It would be dangerous leaving the child unattended on the only lower berth. She quickly went and relieved herself and came back. She picked the child adjusted her sari and tried to sleep. It was just a few hours away from dawn. She was afraid to sleep because she had to get down alone with child, bag and baggage. The train would halt for just a minute. What if she overslept?

The station came, she armed herself with bag, baggage and child. She was the only one getting down, as this bogie was destined to a different location where all others except her was bound. The reservations were full except for this one in this bogie which she got. No other  to get back home in time to join office after the ninety day maternity leave. She could not extend her leave as it would lead to loss of pay, an option not at all feasible because of financial constraints. She opened the door to alight when there stood a man in white, smiling. He quickly took the luggage and helped her down. She was happy and relieved of all anxiety. A smile crossed her face.

It was her husband. He knew she was travelling alone with the sudden change of plans. The new dad that he was, exhibiting his finer side came as fast as he could, hopping buses all night to just reach in time. He knew she did not know which platform to take to board the next train.

The whistle sounded and the train which brought her resumed its   journey. Together they moved happily ahead blissfully unaware of a pair of eyes watching them from the bogie window.

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