Friday, January 31, 2014

Money Kutty-A Kid

Once upon a time in a village not far away from city there was a girl who liked nature and animals. She had lived in such beautiful surroundings almost on a slope overlooking fields where cows and goats grazed. Enough room to run around and walk along the narrow path separating fields from one another. The  grass covered vacant space to play football in the evenings or on holidays  or lie down and gaze up at the passing clouds or stars at night.
Everyday evenings, in those days, meant children of all ages and young people converged here for their daily round of exercise, gossip , games and stories till  sunset. After that it was a must every one went back ,washed hands ,legs and face or had a bath before the lamp was lit   and then join in the evening prayers.
Evening prayers was a must in every home with the  lighting of lamp. Venturing out after that was not taken very lightly. Quite contrary to the present day state . Prayer was not just a ritual.It was a thanksgiving, it was a meditation, an asking, a looking into the inside and acknowledging  a force much beyond us which was to be acknowledged.
This girl was called all Koora kutty though she had a regular name. She was here, she was there,she was everywhere. She was near and dear to all. She never hurt anybody nor said vile things. There was no function without her presence. She must have been five plus or just a little more.
Now, her neighbor, Molly mamma was rearing a mother goat and kid. This child was very fond of the kid and named her Money kutty. Koora kutty then found a bell and tied it round her neck so that it jingled and she loved running with the goat-kid in the evening and enjoyed the sound of tinkling bells.
Money kutty soon became so  fond of her and would respond to her voice instantly. Every evening she returned from school in an auto,the sound of the auto would make Money kutty restless .Money kutty would cut past the rope or the pole to which it was tethered  or where ever it was tied to and run to her as if to receive  a long lost friend .

“Koora kutty had a little goat ,
 A little goat, a little goat,
That would have liked to go to school.
She named  the goat Money kutty, Money kutty,
Money kutty danced and bleated ,
When it  heard  it’s  name,
It  followed her wherever she went
Tinkling it’s bell along the way.
Heigh o the heigh o the hehiho!
One little goat and a young little girl
Went heigh o the heigh o the hehiho! Ho!”

 Still in uniform she would throw her bag and hug Money kutty and go for a spin . She did not feel hungry and was almost transported to another world .It was difficult to imagine who was the child as they jelled so well. It was herculean task each day to take them to their respective homes. Come next day they enjoyed again heigh o the heigh o the hehiho! Ho! And the next day came and the next and so on……

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