Friday, January 31, 2014


In a far away house, away from the road side ,an uninhabited place, quiet ,peaceful and beautiful, lived one  little G Kutty. GKutty was little so called Little Gkutty. Now, Gkutty was a happy go lucky person who lived just for the moment. To think of yesterday and tomorrow was too much of a nuisance. She got herself a kitten for company to keep her occupied otherwise.

The tiny little kitten made its entry. It was named Whiskey as Toddy, was the pup of Puppy, the black bitch, not belonging to the order of any high pedigree to name. Just an  ordinary, lovable street dog, which guarded her home. Whiskey was also looked after by Puppy when it was small. Brandy, Arrack, Gin, Cocktail, Champagne, Vodka, were all names ready for the next of generations though Whiskey was a Tom cat coming from a high pedigree.  Time proved Whiskey was a commoner to the core as she disappeared for days at certain periods in its life.

Whiskey was a well groomed, well trained. It was  a month old kitten when it came. It was a clean kitten and conducted itself very well. It hid from people and quickly darted across rooms as if in a tearing hurry. Actually it was getting used to and exploring the new surroundings. It used the bathroom to pee and poop and never bothered anybody. It polished the milk in the small bowl and curled itself to sleep. The favourite place was below the TV stand initially till it established its stand in the family.
It followed Gkutty wherever she went from this room to that walking majestically behind Gkutty with its tail held high meowing along, “May the way be cleared, Her wish is my command”.

Soon it became strong and was able to get that leap on to the window sill .The window became the point of entry and exit. It sunbathed as much as it could, ran after butterflies and birds in the back yard and climbed the little trees and sharpened its claws.

Now that its position was established, made loud meowing noise announcing its presence. The sofa was the favourite place .No matter what you did it would not budge or else it came and settled on the lap. Very attention seeking it was. It would respond with its ears and tail when you called out Whiskey. It was very musically inclined. The more musical the name Whiskey sounded, accordingly it would move its tail. A very nice time pass.

Now there was one inmate who did not like Whiskey. It was the Man of the house who did not approve of whiskey on the bed, sofa or chair. Whiskey was shooed away. Whiskey never took any offence and came back to square one only to be shooed away.

Whiskey never accepted defeat or reacted in anger. It adopted great tactics .It rubbed against the shin of the Man of the house till it got accepted. When the night had long set in and everyone in deep slumber, without fail, everyday till the Man of the house left after his holidays, Whiskey lay curled up in the crook of his leg and slept peacefully. The Man was so taken by this ardent pursuit that he even gave up going to pee in the night for fear of disturbing its peaceful sleep.

Whiskey proved that even the hardest rock can be tamed by the constant lashing of the waves of the sea. Whiskey is remembered with love and affection till this date and is perhaps loafing and romping around  in the Sullivan surroundings of Jala Vayu Vihar in Kamhattan.

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