Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The 6.10 Local Passenger !

Now this was the cheapest daily mode, to the countless many , who travel-led from the interiors of land locked hilly regions, to job available city regions, far away to earn a living. The sums earned varied from handsome to paltry. The reasons to work also differed. 

Some to find their peace, others to be away from home, some to escape mental torture, some to contribute to the family kitty, some to be away from drunkard husbands, some to shirk work at home, some to have a nice time, still some to escape the wily mother-in-law when husband went to work. Some because of transfers as this was a preferred mode of travel. Some to escape the always wanting-sex husband who did not want to work or the roving eyes of the father-in-law or brother-in-law. The list goes on without repetition of reasons, more than you can imagine.

 All these women with very little privileges in life converged into bogies specially meant for them even if it meant being packed like sardines. They avoided the general for fear of being groped, brushed and leered at. Also, to save them from unwelcome comments. Not that these leering men did not have women at home to satisfy their carnal desires. But why waste a chance as variety is the spice of life.

The women in particular were the ones who took the brunt of all the work, though puny in size but willpower as infinite as the vast desert lands, to keep their lives going and preserve their dignity.They were not vying with any one but just doing their bit to ensure their progeny did not have to slog it off like them. They were headlong into making a better brighter days ahead for them. They had nothing to fall back upon other than the wages of their labour received every month .No insurance,no social security for their old age, just believed and had faith in God and moved forward.

These women got up as early as three or four, cooked, cleaned, washed for the day, packed lunchboxes, kissed their children goodbye to catch the first bus at five to reach the railway station  by six , run a marathon from the nearest bus stop ,climbing the over bridge or crossing the tracks on the sly ,to plonk themselves on the  bug infested  wooden benches of the local train which left sharply to reach destination in the next two hours which faithfully spilled to an extra hour and half .

Because of athithi devo bhava attitude instilled to wait patiently for all the express trains entering  to pass by.As these were long distance trains from the remaining parts of India. It also added up to the fact  that  those passengers had  paid heftily  for the comforts  on wheel rails whereas the local passengers were just the country cousins.

 Do not for a moment think that these women were spineless, hapless individuals. They were hardworking individuals contributing to GDP and NI keeping together families in their own way. No filthy rich backgrounds nor cash rich husbands for them to think of divorce at the drop of a hat. It is these women who contribute in raising children who reach bigger heights with good jobs and pay packets.Of course there is always an exception of children who milked the parents dry,but were few and far .They are the unsung , unnoticed people who contribute to our society to make it a better place. They lead  below mediocre average lives and are proud women. 

The 6.10 train morning or evening lugged all without any discrimination and whistled along gaining speed and halting when required at the sight of the flag  green and red or the sound of a shrill whistle.

Many a tale of joy and sorrow emerged.Some became wise on hearing, others on seeing while others joined in animated discussions and few others were passive , mute spectators. Each day had the unfolding of a new story to tell and hear, with the actors changing or remaining the same making the journey a memorable one.

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